Franchise Law

Businesses with recognizable brands and unique business approaches can rapidly grow and expand their reach by franchising their model and allowing others to operate a franchise location. Purchasing a franchise can also provide a business owner with the immediate benefit of leveraging an established business system or products with a recognizable brand.

Additional Franchise Law Services

We provide franchisors and franchisees with a broad range of services that also include:
Trademark and IP Registration

We can help you register trademarks for your valuable franchise brands

Canadianizing Foreign Disclosure

We can help you localize your US or other foreign disclosure documents

Master Franchise

Provide rights to a Master Franchisor to grow your brand in a new territory


We can help you navigate and negotiate complex commercial leases

Amadeus Pattiserie Logo
Sansotei Ramen Logo
Nforno Logo

Have Questions?

Tell us what you or your company require assistance with. Our legal team will be in touch shortly.

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