Jared Sues
Tel: (437) 900-9375
E-mail: jsues@oziellaw.ca
Jared’s practice focuses on intellectual property (IP) strategy, patent drafting and prosecution, and IP collaborative agreements (employment, MOUs, research/testing, manufacturing, etc.).
Jared’s extensive background in mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering enables him to quickly grasp and clearly communicate the technical aspects of any client technology. His experience includes hardware design, systems analysis, and script coding in signal communications, missile defense, nuclear power plant structural design, accident reconstruction (collision forensics), and aerospace component manufacturing.
Jared is an avid outdoorsman and builder. Whether camping, replacing the broken window on his car, or installing his hardwood floors, Jared loves working with his hands. As a third-generation engineer who grew up recognizing the value of applied creative effort, Jared looks forward to helping the next generation of innovators REALize their dreams.
- English
- J.D. Osgoode Hall Law School, (Intellectual Property Law Concentration)
- M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering Johns Hopkins University (Robotics Concentration)
- B.S. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Cornell University
- Call to the Ontario Bar 2022
- U.S.P.T.O. U.S. Patent Agent (Full)
- CPATA Class 3 Patent Agent (Agent in Training)
- U.S. (M.I.) MSPE P.Eng. licensed engineer
- IP Transactions and Licensing
- IP Strategy